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The History of Art Deco Jewellery

Art Deco – A Brief Overview

Art Deco jewellery is a style that emerged in the 1920s and 1930s, during a period of optimism and innovation after World War I. It is characterized by bold geometric shapes, vibrant colours, and the use of new materials such as platinum and Bakelite. Art Deco jewellery was popular among the wealthy and famous, and it continues to be admired and collected by jewellery enthusiasts today.

The Origins of Art Deco Jewellery

The Art Deco movement was influenced by a variety of sources, including the art and architecture of ancient Egypt and Greece, as well as the Cubist and Futurist art movements. The style was first showcased at the 1925 Paris Exposition des Arts Decoratifs et Industriels Modernes, which gave the style its name.

Art Deco jewellery was characterized by bold, symmetrical designs that often featured abstract shapes and patterns. Jewellery makers used new techniques such as piercing, enameling, and diamond setting to create intricate and innovative designs. The use of platinum, a strong and durable metal, allowed for delicate and intricate designs that were not possible with other materials.

The Popularity of Art Deco Jewellery

Art Deco jewellery was popular among the wealthy and famous, who appreciated the style’s bold and modern aesthetic. Many Art Deco pieces were commissioned by wealthy clients who wanted to showcase their wealth and status through their jewellery. Hollywood actresses such as Greta Garbo and Joan Crawford were often seen wearing Art Deco jewellery, which helped to popularize the style among the general public.

The popularity of Art Deco jewellery continued into the 1930s, but the outbreak of World War II led to a decline in the style’s popularity. The war effort required precious metals and stones, which were used for military purposes rather than jewellery. The style was also seen as a symbol of excess and luxury, which did not fit with the austerity of the war years.

The Resurgence of Art Deco Jewellery

In recent years, there has been a resurgence of interest in Art Deco jewellery. Collectors and jewellery enthusiasts appreciate the style’s bold and innovative designs, as well as the quality of the materials and craftsmanship. Art Deco jewellery is often seen as a good investment, with pieces from well-known makers such as Cartier and Van Cleef & Arpels fetching high prices at auction.

Art Deco-inspired jewellery is also popular among contemporary jewellery makers, who incorporate the style’s geometric shapes and bold colours into their designs. The use of new materials such as titanium and resin allows for even more innovative and unique designs that would not have been possible during the Art Deco era.


Art Deco jewellery is a style that continues to captivate and inspire jewellery enthusiasts around the world. Its bold designs and innovative use of materials make it a timeless and enduring style that remains relevant today.

Whether you are a collector or simply appreciate the beauty and craftsmanship of Art Deco jewellery, there is no denying its place in the history of jewellery design.